Saturday, July 19, 2008

Route 66

Going down Route 66 has been a grand old time. The tiny towns along the way are totally like the ones in the movie cars. Some towns are so small that we roll by without noticing, which is hard on a bike since we go kind of slow.
I love seeing the old attractions that have been preserved and some new ones that have popped up. I hope more people decide to travel down route 66. It is tons of fun and the area needs a little pick-me-up.
One comment about BIKING across the country - when you bike through a place you really get to soak up the atmosphere and notice the little things. We went into Texas today and the state line transition was the most obvious. As soon as we crossed the state line there were tons of oil rigs, churches and signs in spanish and mexican restaurants. Its amazing how the culture changes so fast from state to state (especially when it comes to Texas)
I am enjoying the plains and red soil - I'm not used to that in Wisconsin or Boston

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